
Hello, I`m

Hwa Yang Soh


A Glimpse Into My World:

Hello! I'm Yang, your go-to Personal Trainer at Unreal! My journey in fitness is deeply rooted in evidence-based training, but it's not just about the science. It's about understanding, empathy, and guiding you towards a healthier, happier version of yourself. Life is full of twists and turns, and I'm here to ensure your fitness journey adapts and thrives, no matter the challenges!

My Fitness Journey:

My philosophy is simple: combine science-backed exercise programming with personalized attention. I understand that life can be dynamic, with its fair share of ups and downs. That's why I craft adaptable workout plans that fit seamlessly into your ever-evolving lifestyle. From busy schedules to unexpected life changes, I'm your guide, helping you navigate and progress.

How I Train:

Safety and effectiveness are at the core of my training approach. I emphasize proper form and execution, ensuring that every move you make maximizes results while minimizing injury risks. But beyond demonstrating exercises, I aim to empower you with knowledge. By breaking down complex concepts into digestible insights, I help you grasp the "why" behind each exercise, enabling you to make informed decisions on your fitness journey.

Special Moments & Successes:

Every individual I train brings a unique story, filled with challenges and victories. I'm here to understand, support, and celebrate each of those moments with you. Your successes, big or small, are our shared triumphs.

Beyond Training:

At Unreal, I'm more than just a trainer. I'm your ally, your confidant, and your biggest cheerleader. Together, we'll tackle obstacles, set milestones, and celebrate every achievement.

Let's Connect!:

Ready to experience a life-changing chapter in your life? Let's grab a coffee to discuss your goals, and set the stage for an Unreal experience!


  • Pre-Script Level 1 Coaching
  • Pre-Script Programming
  • Applied Anatomy (JPS Health and Fitness Australia)